Category Archives: Restoration Phase II

Check out the progress on the Tavern Yard Side!

Well, with only a few minor details left, the work on the Tavern Yard side of our exterior is completed! It’s been a long road, but we’re almost there – only one side left to go! Take a look at … Continue reading

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The tarps are down – and the siding is up!

There’s been a lot of progress this week on the tavern yard side of the building! Check out how beautiful our old building looks with the new siding installed! Still lots of work to do, but we’re so glad to … Continue reading

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A Peek Beneath the Tarps

So you’ve noticed the tarps are up. But I bet you’re wondering, what’s underneath? What did we find when we peeled back a layer of history? Well, here are a few quick shots of what lies beneath. Stay tuned for … Continue reading

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